dr. Erna Tjahjaningtyas, Sp.M(K)
Subspesialis Infeksi dan Imunologi
Memiliki keahlian di bidang Kornea, Infeksi dan Imunologi. Beliau mendalami ilmu tersebut selama mengenyam pendidikan fellowship di Tokyo, Jepang.
Bidang keahlian beliau mencakup katarak, LASIK, cangkok kornea dan berbagai penyakit infeksi dan radang mata
Minat Klinis
- Infeksi & Imunologi
- Katarak
Ophthalmology, Dept. Ophthalmology - Universitas Padjajaran, 2003
- Indonesia Ophthalmologist Association (IOA) – PERDAMI
- Indonesia Medical Association (IMA) – IDI
- Indonesia Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (INASCRS)
- Asia Pacific Cataract and Refractive Surgery (APACRS)
- Indonesia Ophthalmology Infection and Immunology Community ( INOIIS)
- Fellowship di Juntendo University , Tokyo , Jepang, 2008
- Course LASIK di RS Mata Cicendo Bandung , 2008
- Course Femtosecond LASIK di Vadodara , India , 2010
- Course Femtosecond LASIK di RS Mata Cicendo Bandung, 2010
- Course Femtosecond LASIK di National University of Singapore , 2011
- Course ReLEx SMILE di RS Mata Cicendo Bandung, 2014
- Training Zeiss and meet the expert , Asia Pacific , di Bangkok , 2015
- Training Zeiss and Meet the expert , Asia Pacific , di Singapura , 2017